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How to Build the Home of Your Dreams, Without the Headache

How to Build the Home of Your Dreams, Without the Headache

In 2021, Australians are spending more time at home than ever before. With the obvious impacts of Covid-19 and more and more companies opting to have their staff working from home, having a multi-functional home that suits all facets of personal and business life is now a lifestyle essential.

Deciding to build a brand-new home is one of the biggest financial decisions that one can make. It takes a lot of time and energy planning and organising – and it is worth this time and effort as when it is done with care and executed correctly, there is simply nothing better. A brand-new home that is all yours – designed exactly to suit you and your needs, and every detail, fitting and fixture placed perfectly to meet your desires.

Careful consideration needs to be taken to ensure that the professional custom builder that you choose has the knowledge and experience to guarantee that they will complete the home of your dreams to your expectations, on time and on budget – and to be around for the entire builders’ warranty period.

Think about the standard Aussie home … what are they like? Do they meet the current and future needs of Australians today? And if they don’t, are there houses in the market that do? Do project builders have homes in their catalogue that might meet these requirements?

Now imagine someone being able to design and build a fully custom home – tailored precisely to their needs with a professional custom build and design team.

But is this too good to be true? Could it be done to a budget and what could go wrong?


What if they don’t get what they expect?

How can they be sure that the end product is what they expect?

It could be risky to trust that a quote would include ALL the things that are required to build a complete home. And what would happen if there were things that are not included? Budget blow-outs, banks not covering funds and then having to have extra money coming out of their pockets. Maybe they now can’t afford the items that they thought were included – all that time wasted running around trying to organise the details that should have been included, not to mention all the stress!


What if the workmanship is not up to the standard they expect?

Could using a full custom builder who is not one of those big name, high profile companies mean that the standard of workmanship is compromised?

Visualise how much impact poor workmanship could have on the end result.

They could have to fork out even more money to fix the issues to ensure the house is safe to live in, not to mention the time involved that it takes to repair these issues. What if there are serious major structural issues that can’t be repaired without knocking the entire house back down? And where would they live in the meantime? In addition to the financial and emotional stress there is the added social stresses of how embarrassing it would be to have their friends and family see how much time, effort and money has gone into it – just to be done to a poor standard and the end result having a low resale value.


What if the builder goes bust?

How could anyone be sure that the builder is able to see the job through?

In uncertain times, this is a fair question. There is so much that would need to be considered if they are left with half a house, starting with what is the next step? Who finishes the build and who could possibly decide on a new builder that is fit to complete the remainder of the job? Would they have any control over the insurance process or is this completely out of their hands? This could cause unimaginable stress and embarrassment, not to mention how time consuming and costly this could become, potentially causing debilitating financial hardship. Would they even be able to afford to live in their new house by the end of this traumatic venture – and would they still want to with all of this worry surrounding it?


How could this be avoided?

Pase Homes has been building in the Illawarra since 2013. We are the Illawarra’s quality specialist in custom home building and design. We have the local knowledge and experience to build you the home of your dreams without you having to struggle with the stresses of things being left out of quotes, poor quality workmanship or builders going bust.

Pase Homes understand the seriousness of the risks involved when clients choose the wrong builder and have come up with a guide to ensure that you are equipped with the information you will need.


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